Career Counseling

Are You Feeling Stuck, Unhappy in Your Career, and not getting the Job You Deserve Or Achieve Your True Potential?

Engage Your Career Counsellor to:

  • Help you move from where you are now to where you want to be
  • Identify your passions, values, energies, positive traits, talents, and the best of your abilities
  • Find your life purpose and mission
  • Set clear goals leading to your roadmap to success
  • Tap the powers of the subconscious mind.
  • Get Empowerment, direction, motivation, guidance and support.
  • Overcome obstacles and break through your limiting beliefs that sabotage your progress.
  • Explore your dreams fully and decide what you want with clarity.
  • Help you believe in yourself and your abilities.
  • Dream big and live your life on what you are passionate about.
  • Achieve greater productivity with less effort.
  • Make key decisions and design strategies for success.
  • Identify your ideal career
  • Learn the practical success principles advocated by success GURUS

What is Career Counselling?​

Your career development is a lifelong process that, whether you know it or not, actually started when you were born! There are a number of factors that influence your career development, including your interests, abilities, values, personality, background, and circumstances.

Career Counseling is a process that will help you to know and understand yourself and the world of work in order to make career, educational, and life decisions. Career development is more than deciding on a major and what job you want to get when you graduate. It is a lifelong process, meaning that throughout your life you will change, situations will change, and you will continually have to make career and life decisions. 

The goal of Career Counseling is to not only help you make the decisions you need to make
now, but to give you the knowledge and skills you need to make future career and life decisions.

Your Career Counselor will help:

 Help you figure out who you are and what you want out of your education, your career, and your life.
 Be someone for you to talk to about your thoughts, ideas, feelings, and concerns about your career and educational choices, who will
help you sort out, organize, and make sense of your thoughts and feelings.
 Help you identify the factors influencing your career development, and help you assess your interests, abilities, and values.
 Help you locate resources and sources of career information.
 Help you to determine next steps and develop a plan to achieve your goals.

Benefits of Career Counselling

Everyone’s experience with a career counselor will look different. Someone unemployed has unique needs from someone who’s seeking a career change. In both cases, a career counselor can offer thoughtful, beneficial guidance.
Here are some of the benefits you could experience when seeing a career counselor:
1. Discover the importance of career development and planning for future growth
2. Find the right career based on your personality type, passions, gifts, skill set, and lifestyle goals
3. Learn if a different career path better suits your needs and desires
4. Have an expert to help you talk through your concerns, ideas, and planning
5. Create a better work-life balance
6. Enjoy more free time and get more productivity with fewer efforts
7. Increase your chances of landing your dream job
8. Unlock more information and resources to make informed career decisions
9. Strengthen interviewing skills to sell yourself to potential employers
10. Learn to write convincing cover letters and resumes that leverage your skills
11. Improve communication skills for more efficient workflows, better leadership habits, and closer work relationships
12. Create and carry out a plan for a career transition
13. Become a more confident and effective networker in professional environments

Career counselling with Astrology Chart

For a person his career is a most vital aspect. Astrology emphasizes an individual’s inclination towards a specific field and also helps in detecting the suitable career sector or livelihood if the horoscope is studied well. Also it can point out which line of work will be appropriate for bringing fortune and success to the native.

Your Career and Work Report looks at your calling or vocation in life. It outlines what talents you uniquely possess that will lead you to a fulfilling career and work life. Ideally there should be no separation between who you are and how you make a living in this world.

It looks firstly at the overall picture of where your destiny points you to, career wise. Next it examines your general outlook onto the world and basic nature. It then moves on to where your income is likely to come from and what work you will be drawn too. Finally it looks at where you can go on to shine professionally in the world.

Positive and strong planets in the horoscope determine which livelihood is most suitable for the person. Main Period (Mahadasha) and Sub-period (Antardasha) as well as transit of the planets play an important role in determining the favorable time of such an event.

Malefic influence of bad planets will not permit a person to reap the fruit of even good time. For the native, a vital role is played by Sun sign in determining his suitable career.

How to find career via Astrology-Video:

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